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This Veterans Memorial (above) was forcibly removed from the small town of King, NC, which had to pay $500,000 to the Freedom of Religion Foundation. 
Satanic Pentagram upside-down is displayed at park in Boca Raton, Florida
(left) Rowan County, NC (Salisbury), home of Veterans WWII Facility, must face the U.S. Supreme Court to keep invocational prayer at commission meetings--ACLU action.
Dallas, NC (a small town) had to remove its nativity scene from the courthouse square to avoid a bankrupting lawsuit by the Freedom from Religion Foundation (above)
It took a fight to keep "In God We Trust" several years ago (photo above is representative--Montgomery County, NC)
The small town of Jay, Florida, caved in and removed its nativity scene from government property for fear the lawsuit to have it removed would outstrip the $1 million insurance cap they had--IF they lost the case in court to retain the traditional Christian holiday decoration (below).
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